We Are Libertarians

401: COVID-19 - Details of Three Rounds of Government Stimulus with Ross Marchand



Chris Spangle and Rhinehold talk to Ross Marchand of the Taxpayer Protection Alliance about the three rounds of economic stimulus that Washington has enacted or is proposing. We give the details of a $1 Trillion stimulus currently being negotiated, which is one of the largest stimulus packages in modern history. Video - https://youtu.be/CYZ0OVWv0UU The growing coronavirus stimulus packages - https://www.axios.com/coronavirus-stimulus-packages-compared-7613a16f-56d3-4522-a841-23a82fffcb46.html Ross's Twitter - https://twitter.com/RossAMarchand Taxpayers Protection Alliance - https://www.protectingtaxpayers.org/ TPA Coronavirus Op-Eds - https://www.protectingtaxpayers.org/coronavirus-corner/ About Ross Marchand Ross Marchand is the director of policy for the Taxpayers Protection Alliance. Ross is an alumni of the Mercatus MA Fellowship, and received his master’s degree in economics from George Mason University. He has worked with FreedomWorks, ALEC, and the Lithuanian Free Market Institute. Ross’s work has app