We Are Libertarians

370: Policing in America, Part 2 - Civil Asset Forfeiture



Chris Spangle, Rhinehold, and Tricia Stuart continue the second and final part of policing in America. They discuss the fourth amendment, civil asset forfeiture, and public attitudes towards the police. Part 1 - https://wearelibertarians.com/368-policing-in-america-part-1/ Show Notes - https://wearelibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Policing.pdf Video - https://youtu.be/ooNZ3Or6bnM Time Stamps History of 4th Amendment - 00:16:06 Civil Asset Forfeiture - 00:27:30 Public Sentiment Towards Police - 00:57:51 Police On Their Own Job - 00:1:12:01