Liquid Church

Saved to Serve pt. 1: Saved to Serve



In Acts 6, we learn that the explosive growth of the Early Church was threatened by-- of all things-- a hospitality crisis. What seemed like a trivial task ("waiting on tables") was actually critical to their larger mission of changing the world. It was only when a "Strategic Seven" team of leaders stepped up to the plate and said "Count on me! I'll serve!" that the problem was resolved. And more: "the Word of God spread" (Acts 6.7). In a Christian church that's "on mission" we learn there are no insignificant tasks. Every member serves a strategic purpose pre-planned by God-- in many ways, we've been "saved to serve." Listen in (and get involved!) as Pastor Tim makes the case for Strategic Service-- investing your heart and hands in the place of greatest demand. Wanna serve and help with our Easter Launch? Email Laura to get involved. Part 1 of “Saved to Serve.”