Liquid Church

Vertical pt 2: Can You Hear Me Now?



This past week, a bag of unopened & unread "Letters to God" were discovered off a beach in Atlantic City. Some of the prayer requests were comical (a man asking God to let him win the lottery, twice), others were heartbreaking (a distraught teen begging forgiveness for an abortion). Does God hear such prayers? Does He respond to our sincere requests? Or are they just an expression of our deepest hopes that-- in the end-- go unanswered... drifting out to sea-- like a lost message in a bottle? In Luke 11, Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray. And what He invites them to pray for might surprise you. After listening to Pastor Tim's message, take a moment to POST YOUR #1 PRAYER REQUEST on the website. What would you ask God for if you were absolutely confident He was listening? Part 2 of the message series "Vertical: Communicating with God"