Liquid Church

Serve the Ministry - message 4/9/06



Show of hands. Who has the gift of waiting on tables? Of washing feet? Wiping the noses of kindergarten kids? Most folks don't like "dirty work." Yet, this is the essence of servant leadership that Jesus highlighted as the heartbeat of God. Scripture tells us that every believer has a gift-- a unique,one-of-a-kind talent, ability, or strength that God wants them to spend in the service of others. It's ain't about volunteering out of guilt... or religious obligation. Rather, serving others is one of the primary ways we grow up to be like Jesus. That's why the Liquid Church Family Covenant includes a commitment to "Serve the Ministry" of our church in 3 ways: ... by identifying my gifts (Romans 12.6-8) ... by developing a servant heart (Philippians 2.5-7) ... by serving others strategically (1 Peter 4.10) Listen in as Pastor Tim describes the vital role that strategic service plays in building up God's family and completing the mission Jesus left to His followers. Part 3 of the message series "Welcom