Liquid Church

Money and Your Stuff, pt 4: Open Hands - message 2/19/06



You and I are natural-born clutchers. From the moment we come grasping our momma's finger out of the womb, we grab what we can, declare it "Mine!" and hang on tight for dear life. Clutching and grasping is our reflexive response as fallen humans. To freely "let go" of our money and stuff just ain't natural. In fact, to enjoy the freedom of opening our hands to God and others requires a supernatural impulse. Yet, this is exactly what happened according to Paul in 2 Corinthians 8-- God's Spirit stimulated a heartfelt joy in the Macedonian believers causing them to become extravagant givers! Indeed, if we're to truly experience the full joy of God and participate in His mission of extending generosity to others in need, we must learn to loosen our grip on what we have... following the example of Christ as the Macedonians did. Take a look at your hands... and listen in as Pastor Tim discusses the secret of open-handed giving. Part 4 of the message series "Why the Devil Takes MasterCard: Jesus on Money and