Liquid Church

The Ancient Future Church - message 11/6/05



What do you want to be when you grow up? We all ask that question at a pivotal point in our young lives... and our church community is no different. Liquid celebrated its 4th birthday earlier this Fall, and we sense the time is ripe to begin asking the question, "What do we want to be-- as a ministry, as a congregation, as a community of Christ followers--as we mature and grow?" Interestingly enough, we're beginning to think the pathway to the future runs through the ancient past. Instead of consulting futuristic models, cutting-edge books, or 21st century gurus.... we're going back to our roots. To the Early Church in the book of Acts. Our suspicion is that our spiritual forefathers knew something-- had Something-- that infused their community of early Christians with unusual love... for God, for one another, for the watching world around them. How can we become the kind of church only God can credit for? Listen in as we journey to the ancient past to lead us into the future.