Celai's Corner

When people dont want to give you opportunities



This is the first question that I'm answering in my Q&A series. As I thought and pondered on the question, I realize that it would take too much time to expand upon for me to answer other questions hence why this is just one episode. I speak very passionately in this podcast, everybody listen up. I just want you to know that you're not worthless, or a failure just because people tell you no to opportunities. Remember that you can always make your own opportunities. Things are created which is why these doors are made in the first place. Companies did not come out of thin air, so don't lose hope. I also give seven tips on what to do when people aren't giving you opportunities. I think I'll probably make a part to this video podcast. My slots are starting to fill up, but if you want a consultation which is paid, please email me. If you just have a random question or a response email me as well at celaiscorner@gmail.com