Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 314- These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry, Pt. 03- Transformers In Spandex! WildC.A.T.s #03 (Listener Feedback!)



In this week's adventure, Magnus takes a fond look back at WildC.A.T.s #03 as the These Seven Men Are Disrupting The Comic Book Industry proceeds apace. Not that the "industry" needs any help getting disrupted at the moment. Stakes get raised, pouches get filled and women dress scantily as the battles ensue. After all that, it's time for some more listener feedback! Yes indeed, boys and girls, Magnus is trying like crazy to get caught up on feedback. There is feedback this week and there will be feedback in the weeks to come. So, what are you waiting for? Crank that male gaze up to 11 and start listening right now before Youngblood decides they want to have a word with you too.