Bookswell Intersections

S02-E01 - a Q1 2020 WTF debrief, featuring Dryland Lit and Women Who Submit



  We did it! We made it through the beginning of 2020 and now we're back with Season 2 of the BookSwell Intersections literary podcast.   This episode was recorded in the Rare Bird offices in DTLA in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Host Cody Sisco is joined by co-host Dan Lopez, special guests Viva Padilla from Dryland Lit, Julia Callahan from Rare Bird Lit, and interview guest Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo of Women Who Submit. We discussed #DignidadLiteraria and the fallout from American Dirt, barriers to inclusivity and equity in publishing, and how writers and publishers are navigating the changing literary landscape.