Thinktech Hawaii

How the Coronavirus is affecting our Judiciary (Life In The Law)



ThinkTech is a Hawaii 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Please support us by making a donation. Are the courts still open?  Will they stay open?.  Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald of the Hawaii Supreme Court will help us understand how the Coronavirus is affecting our Judiciary. In general, how does a crisis like this affect the Judiciary, and more specifically how is this crisis affecting it. The issues and challenges involved in responding - keeping staff, judges, counsel and parties safe, and exactly how do you do that. Who’s working in  the courts and who’s working from home (using remote?), on Oahu and on the neighbor islands.   What functions have had to be shut down, how long will they be shut down, and what delays should we expect. What is the overall effect on the bench, the bar, the speed of process and the administration of justice in Hawaii. Some say there will be a wave of litigation arising out the difficulties of the crisis.  What are your though