Thinktech Hawaii

We are learning the true meaning of a Pandemic (Corona Watch)



ThinkTech is a Hawaii 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Please support us by making a donation. It's getting significantly worse.  We'll cover various events and trends that have come up over the past week, including Increase in numbers nationally and in Hawaii, globally; Why are we behind Korea, etc.; Who is not cooperating in shelter in place; Trump press conferences - bizarre; What happened to testing, masks, PPE, ventilators - defense production act; What about medicines. Vaccines; Labor action against Amazon - what about supply lines; Scams and opportunists; The apex and deaths coming; How our lives are changing; When and how will it subside; How it will be after the crisis is over.  The host for this episode is Jay Fidell.  The guests for this episode are Stephanie Dalton and Winston Welch.