Marooned! On Mars With Matt And Hilary

Aurora Zero: Science Fiction, Utopia, Socialism, and Bernie MFing Sanders



Hello! Matt and Hilary are back with a preview episode of the next season of Marooned! On [Fill in the Blank]. This season we’ll be discussing KSR’s brilliant Aurora. In this preliminary episode we re-introduce ourselves and the premise of the show. We talk about what science fiction and utopia are, why we’re interested in them (and why you should be, too), and our approach to thinking about them. We also decide how many episodes you should expect. After consulting with your psychoanalysts, we resolve to read this chapter by chapter, so there will be 7 episodes after this, maybe an additional one after that. Stop at 40 minutes if you are only interested in science fiction and don’t want to hear Matt and Hilary rant about politics and vociferously endorse Bernie Sanders and enumerate his positive qualities and the glorious future his presidency will usher in, while simultaneously maintaining a healthy skepticism about electoralism and the State. We talk about knocking on doors, solidarity, making a new world,