The Lead With Jake Tapper

Source: business leaders told Trump U.S. needs to ramp up coronavirus testing before people can return to work; Pelosi to challenge Trump's "illegal" decision to halt W.H.O. funding; Ohio Gov: life will not be normal "until we get a vaccine"



Study: people might be most infectious before showing symptoms; N.I.H. hopes to have vaccine for frontline workers by fall & rollout to public by spring of 2021; California reveals grim blueprint for life after reopening; Trump: some states may be ready to reopen before May 1st; IRS: last-minute order to add Trump's name to paper stimulus checks will not delay delivery; Source: small business loan program likely to run out of money today; Pelosi: Trump's coronavirus misteps "caused unecessary death"; Retail sales in March fell 8.7%, deepest drop on record; Strip clubs, lobbyist sue to get small business loans; Los Angeles Mayor says city may not allow concerts, sporting events until 2021; What will the new normal look like when states reopen?; Ohio Gov: life will not be normal "until we get a vaccine"; Experts warn 400,000 people in Japan could die if virus not contained; Inside the place with the highest per capita death rate, and it's not NY; via Knit