Masculine By Design Mancast

You Have 31 Days to Change Your Life



What if I told you that in just one month you could identify your self-imposed roadblocks, determine your deepest desires as a man, and make necessary changes that will immediately improve your life, while putting you on a path of personal integrity and development that will benefit you for the rest of your life? Today I'm joined by Hunter Drew, the creator of 31 Days to Masculinity, a program that serves as a roadmap for men to uncover all that is holding them back in life to reclaim ownership and control over their destinies. Hunter and I are also joined by 4 men (Phil Foster, Nathan, Samuel Thorp and Adam Lane Smith). Each of these men have gone through the 31 Days to Masculinity (31 DTM) program. There is nobody better to share why 31 DTM works so well at changing the lives of men in just one month's time than those who've gone through the crucible and emerged on the other side as transformed men. Listen in. Learn the true steps required for lasting change to take place. Put in the work. Change your l