Masculine By Design Mancast

r/K Selection Theory Politics | General Patriarchy



In today's episode of the Mancast General Patriarchy joins me to discuss r/K selection theory politics. This is a fast paced, engaging discussion that provides an in-depth analysis explaining the recent demographic shifts using r/K selection theory. By the end of our conversation it will become clear how r/K selection theory exposes the key drivers behind the recent shift toward extremities by the political left and relative stasis on the right. We also take some time to predict the next shifts that are likely to take place, how they will impact the political landscape over the coming years, and what it means for our personal freedoms. Did you enjoy this podcast? If so, please consider taking a minute of your time to subscribe and leave a review on iTunes to help me spread the message: Join the Fraternity of Excellence: Follow Craig on Twitter: Craig's Blog: h