Masculine By Design Mancast

The Reclamation of Biblical Masculinity | Jarrett Samuels



What it means to be masculine has been bastardized to the point of becoming impossible for a consensus to be reached within the culture. Sadly, the situation within the Christian church today isn’t much better, as many of its men are relegated to navigating life without a firm grasp of what biblical masculinity entails. My guest on today’s podcast joins me to discuss why Christian men are missing the mark and what it will require of them to reclaim the masculinity they've been created with for a purpose. Jarrett Samuels is a Pastor who’s committed his life to pursuing biblical manliness, while also encouraging other men to rise to the standard of masculinity communicated in God’s word. Jarrett is a refreshing masculine presence within a subculture that’s littered with false bravado and alpha male caricatures. He writes and speaks with a level of genuine honesty and boldness of conviction I believe to be sorely missing among modern men. Listen in to our discussion as Jarrett explains what it is that brough