Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Crystals for Karmic Healing: An Interview with Nicholas Pearson



Today, I am so excited to be interviewing once again, the amazing Nicholas Pearson. I'm talking to Nicholas today about a book we actually haven't gotten to discuss very much yet, "Crystals for Karmic Healing."   Nicholas, welcome. How are you? Nicholas Pearson: I'm excellent. Thank you so much for having me on your new podcast. I'm really looking forward to this. Ashley: Well, thanks for being here. Just for those people who are listening who maybe haven't been fortunate enough to listen in on one of our interviews before... Can you give us a quick background of how you got started working with crystals and about your journey as an author and a speaker? Nicholas: So, I started really young, as I think many of us do, picking up rocks everywhere I went. My grandfather really saw this love I had for all things stone and he gave me my first piece of quartz. It's thanks to him I have this addiction to this day. When I was in high school, I was in a really rigorous kind of academic program. So, I was really in