Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Iolite: A Crystal for Direction & Guidance



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Iolite: "I allow myself to be guided by the positive energies around me and within me." Common Healing Properties of Iolite: Aids in providing you with direction and guidance (physical and spiritual) Instills hope during difficult times Promotes feelings of peace, calming, and tranquility Assists in communication with your inner-self so you can better understand how you're feeling Works as a crystal ally companion for journeying Heals and aligns the body, mind, and spirit Provides you with deeper spiritual understanding of your life path Helps you circumvent obstacles that you may face in the future Encourages inner strength & courage Allows you to trust the important messages from your intuition rather than second-guess them Encourages you to step out on new paths and get excited about exploring new realms (inner & outer)   Colors: Cornflower blue to deep indigo Associated Chakras: 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye) Zodiac Sig