Horse Wise

How a wise horse named Dan taught me to relax, go with the flow and handle unexpected change with a smile.



“Have the courage to do nothing.” I’ve seen this quote used in many different ways. While I’m not sure who said it first (or why), I can see how it might apply to good horsemanship (and to certain circumstances in life). I first learned this from a wise horse named Dan. Many years ago, I met Dan at Park Police training barn. I was a volunteer exercise rider there. Dan was often my assigned mount — and his quirky personality (and impressive athleticism) made him the perfect schoolmaster. In this episode, I share Dan’s lessons — and how they are perfect for coping with the unexpected pandemic of 2020. At Horse Wise, I teach people tools so that they can learn how to coach themselves and their horses to progress together as a team. It’s a fun process that shows you how build a good partnership with your horse (in a practical, straightforward way). If you’d like more information on mindset practices, audio coaching or general Horse Services, please visit our website for more information:  http://horsewisecoa