Horse Wise

Two fun exercises to improve your horsemanship, pandemic style.



"I often tell people that I truly want the horse to be my feet and legs. I want to be an extension of the horse and him to be an extension of me. That's what I'm always working toward when I'm on a horse.” -Buck Brannaman If you’re like me, you probably are getting a little tired of COVID-19. It often seems like everything is on hold (literally) because of it. But there are advantages to this coronavirus spring — and I’d like to help you enjoy the benefits of every silver lining it brings. One of the best benefits of this time is that many of your usual patterns (with or without your horse) are interrupted. This gives a wonderful opportunity to see things from a new perspective! In this episode, I share two exercises that helped me improve my body awareness and riding posture. They are fun, easy and can be done at home without your horse (if you are in self-quarantine or shelter in place order). I also mention a terrific article about the concept of “Hangerman” from the Eclectic Horseman. Here’s a link to it: