
Medicare for All: It Includes Dental!



Advocates of Medicare for All are burying the lead, did you know it includes dental coverage? New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera comes to the front of the class to breakdown the detailed aspects of the widely supported policy and discuss how states can adopt universal healthcare coverage. There are a lot of terms thrown around in the debate over healthcare, here are a few; Universal Coverage: The ultimate goal is for everyone to have health insurance. Single-Payer: A category of healthcare coverage in which the government provides insurance to everyone and pays the bills. Public Option: A government run insurance plan is offered in addition to private health insurance plans. Medicare for All: One of many policy proposals to achieve universal coverage that would create a national health insurance program in which everyone is covered and the government is the single payer. Our Guest: @NYSenatorRivera New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico. In 1998, Gustavo gradua