Faith Troy Sermons

A New Beginning



For all of us, there have been plenty of situations in life where we wanted to begin again... to start over. For many of us, our faith journey began with a certain framework of ideas. Often our childhood faith doesn't do well under the pressures of adult life. Many of us have been left with a series of what we believe are irreconcilable differences in who or what we have believed God to be. What does it mean to begin again when it comes to the idea of belief? Paul didn't become a Christian because he read the Bible... it hadn't been written yet. Paul became a Christian because of something that happened. Acts 17:16-34 What Paul realizes is that these people are suffering from one of the side effects of religion: uncertainty You can discover bits and pieces about God in music, art, even creation, but those things will never make God known to you. v.30 "Now God commands all people everywhere to repent." Because now God has revealed Himself. Proof is what changes the "hope-so" uncertainty of religion