Brain Software With Mike Mandel: Hypnosis | Nlp | Self Improvement

Session 85: The Ryan Intervention, Hitler, and the 4th Johnny!



Here are the show notes for this episode: Mike begins the show by admitting that he likes LOUD! And why not? He was into Black Sabbath way back in 1970! “If it’s too loud, you’re just too damn old!” Mike saw a plastic flying saucer being lifted by heavy equipment… Our student Florian has taken the hypnotic storm to Africa…The picture of the bell is proof! Check out Caveman Lodge in Zanzibar! You can see the bell… Whenever he gets fired, Chris just rehires himself. Self-directed neuroplasticity coming up… Las Vegas is looming…Come to Hypnothoughts Live 2017. Mike’s session is filling up… Mike suspects Chris has had a stroke, but it’s only a demi-stroke. The Ryan Intervention discussed…Created by our Enneagram One friend… Don’t lend other people’s stuff! He unwinds by doing woodworking, and his wife’s on his case. He offers drugs, alcoholism, massage parlours, as alternative ways to unwind. It works, because it’s really reframey! She saw it as an annoyance and a waste of time, but he shows the benefit. Books a