Brain Software With Mike Mandel: Hypnosis | Nlp | Self Improvement

Session 79: Spotting a Logical Fallacy



Welcome to Episode 79 of Brain Software with Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson! Technical difficulties abound! Something went horribly wrong, but here’s the podcast anyway… (it’s not that big a deal) Check out the show notes below and scroll down to listen to the podcast directly on this page. Keep sending us topic suggestions and show feedback. We love hearing from all of you! Here are the show notes for this episode: Podcast #80 is next! Mike wants to bring in some booze! Mike starts with a Gerry Kein cough, and mentions the Generation of Morons we see everywhere. Let’s talk about logical fallacies, children! You’ll hear these in politics, advertising, etc. Only 2 groups of people in the world… Upcoming stuff! Karl Smith arrives in April to teach the Kinetic Shift! Chris and Mike will be students in the class, so come and join them. Architecture of Hypnosis is nearly sold-out for May 2017. Get in now, or wait until June…Then there’s only November left… Mike does his really stupid old British guy voice, purely