Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

36: MOTHER LOVE: The Feminine Love That Will Hold You Through Transition (re-broadcast)



Hello Dear One ... Every May I love to re-listen to and re-share this episode on MOTHER LOVE (which is so much more than we think it is.) So many of us are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like you need more "mother love" - it's so powerful! MOTHER LOVE does not just come from your birth mother. And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time.... Next week we will resume our Harmonize and Rise Series with session #3, where we dive into the ways of working and living in our world that are no longer working for you... so instead of falling back into normal, you rise in a reality that supports, and sustains you. For now, soak in the Mother Love. Much love to you xoxo Christine  "THERE IS A GREAT MOTHER LOVE AVAILABLE THAT CAN ACT AS THE SAFE AND SOFT HA