Marooned! On Mars With Matt And Hilary

Aurora 7: "What Is This," Feeling, Ecopoesis, and In-N-Out Burger



It's our season finale, where we bid a fond farewell to Freya, ship, and the cast of KSR's transcendent Aurora! We're experiencing some good ol' audio issues, but they're nothing compared to Freya's mythic struggles with the sun and the ocean. It's hard to sum up this book, and somehow equally as hard to sum up this chapter, but we do our best. This chapter is a lot about the difficulty of putting the feeling of being on earth into words--some call it defamiliarization, others call it estrangement, we call it art, and it rocks. For Hilary, this chapter is about feeling. For Matt, it's about overcoming the difference between reality and fantasy. For both of them, it's a joy. Takeaways: Utopia is hard, but necessary. It's not going to be found "out there." It's going to be built, like a beach or a work of art. Freedom is found in letting go. Don't feel bad if you have trouble letting go of your ideas, or if you find that others can't help but live in their ideas: that's where we live! And, go to the beach! Our