Understanding Christianity

Romans 9:1-29 A Difficult Passage on Unconditional Election



Dr. Sean Cole continues teaching through the book of Romans. If Israel is God’s chosen people, to whom these glorious temporary blessings have been given (Romans 9:4-5), then why are so few ethnic Jews actually saved? Why are the accursed and cut off? Why are the Gentiles coming to faith in Christ in large numbers, but ethnic Jews are refusing to believe in Jesus? You may not like the answer Paul gives, but we have to deal with it. Two basic answers: 1) Just because you are ethnically Jewish does not automatically guarantee that you will be saved—that was the presumption of the Jews. They thought they were automatically going to heaven based upon their lineage or ethnicity. 2) God chooses some people to be saved while passing over others who will not be saved—this is how God has always done things. Pastor Sean navigates these difficult waters and interacts with other views. Check out Sean's book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Identity-Trinity-Discovering-Gospel-