Whole Guidance Podcast: Nutrition | Fitness | Happiness | Mindset | Ancestral Health | Holistic Wellness

WGP 026: Shine Bright Like a Diamond and Overcome Fear



In this podcast I'll be exploring Fear: I'll explain what fear is I’ll talk about what limiting beliefs are and how they keep you from change I'll talk about how expressing your authentic self helps you see fear in a new light Finally I’ll share an exercise you can practise to reframe your thoughts to help you deal with your fear CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Fear can be defined as an emotion driven by the thought of possible danger or the anticipation and expectation of pain and harm. Meaning fear is an emotion based on a thought you have about a future event. Another way to see fear is that a lot of people believe hate to be the opposite of love, but hate like love is still an emotion that connects you to the object you have hatred toward. In my experience and what many other people have found is that fear is actually the opposite to love as fear has an energy vibration that drives you away and disconnects you from whatever it is that you’re afraid of. Fear is an energy tha