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WGP 021: How to Balance Materialism and Spiritualism



In this podcast I'll be exploring Materialism and Spiritualism: I'll explain what materialism and spiritualism really mean I’ll talk about the dark and the light sides of each one Finally, I’ll share how you can best balance the material world with a spiritual life CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Depending on the definition used you could think materialism and spiritualism are two sides of the same coin or are totally unrelated. The following set of definitions show how these two belief systems are actually connected. Materialism is the belief that nothing exists except for physical matter. Spiritualism is the belief that spirit is the fundamental element of all reality. What we have here are total opposites and yet this is exactly what makes them totally connected. How? In the podcast I did on the philosophy of Yin and Yang I explained how these two forces of the Universe are both opposing each other, but at the same time are interconnected to each other. The potential for Yin,