Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 77: Friday Five With David Weck



"It Takes Time To Plough Your Own Path" David Weck Is there something you have been thinking about doing? About creating? About sharing? David talked about his road to success and how he “ready – aimed – fired.” He knew he had something that the world needed the moment he thought about creating the BOSU – the half dome where you had both a stable and unstable surface. What have you been holding off creating - waiting for the perfect moment to fire? What is one step you can take this weekend to test out your idea? Take it for a trial run with your trusted friends and move it closer to the green light of go. David talked about placing his product with influencers – way before the word influencer was a buzzword, David knew the importance of getting the buy-in of those he both respected and trusted. Is there someone you know, or even don’t know – whose "YES" to your idea or dream would give you the fuel needed to keep pushing ahead – even in times of uncertainty? Can you reach out to one influencer this weekend