Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 76: David Weck On Balancing Mind, Body and Life



"Let's be More Forgiving To Ourselves and Therefore to Others" David Weck This conversation with my dear friend, fitness creator and entrepreneur could not be more timely. Yes, we talk about fitness, health and our experience within that amazing industry, but perhaps, more importantly, we talk about health - the health of our mind and how sometimes it can seem to become a foe versus a friend. David talks about his struggles with mental health and I talk about my struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. As David says so well, "It's time to stop pretending."  We begin on a light note reminiscing about how we first met and David' start as a New York actor, who found his way into fitness and eventually became a pioneer with his invention of the BOSU. As David rollerbladed everywhere in NYC, his feet became extremely weak from always being in roller blades and that led to a back problem.  So that led to David training with a stability ball, then standing on the stability ball and by constantly falling off the stab