Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 67: Friday Five With Tricia Brouk



"You've Been Invited To The Table For A Reason - Trust That" Tricia Brouk Can you feel the fear and do it anyway? Tricia mentioned that she does not allow fear to get in the way of her going for her dreams. What is it that is standing between you and the life you want to create? I often use the acronym FEAR Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. Pema Chodron reminds us that fear is a natural reaction that we are getting closer to our truth. Can you do one action this weekend to move yourself one step further away from the fear and one step closer to being able to live your truth? Tricia talked about the need to feel safe, both in our environment and with the people we are surrounding ourselves with. She believes it is important to surround yourself with people who will lift you up, support you and allow you to feel heard. Often times we spent a lot of time pruning and cultivating our social media following, yet it may have been many years since we have really pruned and cultivated the relatio