Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 46: Maria Sirois on Hope, Resilience and Grace



"The Goodness In Life Is Available To Us As Is The Darkness" Maria Sirois This weeks conversation with Maria Sirois the who is the author of Happiness After Loss was like talking to a truth whisperer. I first came across Maria through her soul-filled TEDx talk called Living An Authentic Life and you can watch it here: Get you pen and paper ready as Maria shares so many insightful and helpful nuggets of wisdom. We begin by taking about resilience and what this word means to Maria, and how we can use it to strengthen our life. We begin by taking about resilience and what this word means to Maria, and how we can use it to strengthen our life. Maria talks about “world weariness” and how there will be times that we will feel hopeless and it will be resilience that allows for our best self to come through to the other side. She shares how that positivity and suffering co-exist and it is when we draw upon the good and the true we will be able to view suffering as a place we visit versus falling into an abyss. Maria