A Minute Of Meditation

Meditation 40 Deh Shiva 10th Sikh Guru



O Great Shiva, grant my wish -- that I will never be afraid to do good, and never be afraid to fight evil. With your courage I will win. Put yourself in my mind because I want to praise you And when my life must end, it will be while fighting bravely. -- Guru Gobind Singh This is the most famous poem of the 10th Sikh Guru, but is truly a puzzle. It excites the people of Punjab even though it is written the language of another land. Sikhs sing its verses as holy prayers even though it describes a Hindu epic. It has become a uniting anthem even though it comes a text so controversial that it has deeply divided the community for the past 300 years. Many of us are surprised to see how much Indian spiritual literature refers to military battles. We expect religion to support peace and criticize fighting. But the great Hindu deities are commonly famed for the fighting skills that protect the innocent. In myth, Rama and Krishna are worshipped for their victories in war. And in Sikh history, Guru Gobind Singh is ho