A Minute Of Meditation

Achieve The State of Yoga



A person achieves the state of yoga when he has renounced all material desires, he does not take his actions to satisfy the senses, he does not take actions purely for enjoyment. What you call ‘renunciation’ is the same as yoga; you are connecting with the Supreme. No one can become a yogi unless he renounces the desire to first gratify his senses. ||2|| -Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 5) The Bhagavad Gita is one the most widely accepted guides to the Hindu religion. In it, Krishna teaches us how to live our lives to free ourselves from the suffering of the physical world and escape reincarnation. It tells us Karam Vairagyay Yoga will help us reach the ultimate goal of living by emphasizing the importance of renunciation. You should not be attached to the pleasurable results of your efforts. Simple sensory pleasures are a short term goal. Free yourself from the birth/death cycle by focusing your attention past the senses. Download the Guru Guide and listen to other episodes at A Minute of Meditaion -  http://septic