A Minute Of Meditation

Meditation 35 Bad Action



You can repay a bad action with a bad one of your own. But he who pardons a bad action and instead puts it right will get his reward from Allah. You should pardon and overlook evil acts. Wouldn’t you want Allah to forgive your own? Allah is Ever-Forgiving and Most Merciful to those who can control their anger and instead forgive.” -Holy Quran Believers and non-believers disagree on morals. Believers want to understand principles refined through more wisdom than any one person could invent in one lifetime. Non-believers feel they build more honest guidelines since they can’t lie to themselves and do not blindly follow a given set of rules. But isn’t morality really how we are responsible to one another? Muslims believe the messages of the Quran were given to the Prophet Mohammed through divine inspiration and contain the purest guide to life. It considers human nature as well. Even though we first think about revenge when something wrong happens to us, Mohammed reveals that Allah wants you consider the path o