A Minute Of Meditation

Meditation 30 Self-Realization



“To be a Bodhisattva you must want inner self-realization of wisdom, not mere words. First, understand that all things are products of your mind. Second, forget about birth and death. Third, you must lose all ego. Fourth, truly understand self-realization. Self-realization is identity. Oneness. Before you can enter this state you can’t have any assumptions about it. You cannot be attached to any thing, not even ideas. Not even self. -- Lankavatara Sutra (Chapter 7) The Lankavatara Sutra represents Buddha’s teachings being accepted by Ravan, the god of the South Indian island of Lanka. As you read, your attention will be caught through a fantastic mythic tale in which Buddha has magical powers. Then your conscious mind will be challenged as you try to understand a detailed practical guide to focused meditation. Its main goal is to define consciousness as the ultimate reality. When the monk Bodhidharma carried the Lankavatara Sutra to China, this aspect became very popular. Later, Japanese monks would make it