A Minute Of Meditation

meditation 21 Tao Te Ching



The river defines the shape of the valley by flowing under it.The river is the master of the valley.To rule peopleSpeak to them as if they are your masterTo lead peopleFirst, follow them.This way, when the wise leader stands above the people,They do not feel crushedAnd when he stands before the people,They do not feel blocked-Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu           --Your journey through Chinese theology starts with the honor and discipline of Kung Fu Tzu (Confuscius) but is not complete until you experience the Tao. We don’t know if Lao Tzu started this study, promoted it, or was just a common name for the poets and philosophers who developed this way of thought.  Either way, this is the name associated with the Tao Te Ching -- a 2500 year old collection of poems that define the Tao.  Although Taoists want the same goal as Confuscians, they suggest a different path.  Confuscius promotes rules and order but Lao Tzu analyzes the world and accepts the disorder of nature.  You have the advantage of learning both of t