A Minute Of Meditation

Meditation -- 13



What good is it to have a high social class and status? Truthfulness is measured within.Your high-class pride is like poison.  You can hold it in your hand and admire it,But if you eat it, you will die.You know your Guru’s has had Power for all time.Welcome his Commands and you will be welcomed into his home…Remember, you have come to this world only because of his command.His Word is spoken to you as loud as if pounded by a drummer.- Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Page 142, Line 15)The Sri Guru Granth Sahib is a collection of devotional hymns and poetry stressing long term peace through internal meditation and shows the reader a meaning of True God as morality, honesty and peace within your mind and not as a physical human form. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the highest regarded scripture in the Sikh religion. It not only contains the works of its own founders but also writings of philosophers from other faiths who inspired these leaders.  It is respected and revered by followers of other religious groups such as the Si