A Minute Of Meditation

Meditation -- 11



Sheikh Farid (or Farīduddīn Mas'ūd)  was a Sufi poet from Punjabi.  His writings were so popular in the region that they became an important part of the Sikh religion, which developed there later.  Today, please think about this mythical conversation from the Sikh Guru Nanak to Baba Farid.  Notice that reflecting his master's words enhances both the student and the teacher.  Meditate and learn from two great wise men in one passage.Farid:Separated from God, my body burns like an oven,My bones burn like firewood.To meet the Beloved I would walk until my feet were tired,Then I would walk on my head.[ Guru Nanak comments:] You need not burn yourself like an oven,need not inflame your bones.Why torture your poor limbs?Behold the spirit in yourself.Nanak says, I search for my Friend, but my Friend is already with me.-Sri Guru Granth Sahib   A production of Septic Radio. Download a free Yoga Training Book to help calm your mind at http://septicradio.com/free.php