Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A Crystal for Inner Reflection



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: "I take a sacred pause to release thoughts that weigh me down, making mental space for new clarity and inner guidance."         Common Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: Helps you become present to your feelings and emotions Enhances feelings of happiness, joy, optimism, and contentment Promotes relaxation Allows you to discover the simple pleasures of life Energetically supports you while you're overcoming emotional traumas Creates moments for sacred pause and reflection Increases feelings of personal freedom and encourages exploration Aids you in decision making Helps you overcome blocks to your creativity and encourages you to tap into hidden talents Encourages you to enjoy the fruits of your labor Promotes celebration and appreciation of your relationships Helps you find the treasures, gifts, and lessons in difficult situations Encourages inner reflection and silences your inner critic Assists in s