The Melissa Ambrosini Show

47: Reboot Your Metabolism In 21 Days And Burn Fat Forever With Mark Sisson



When someone tells you that you can reboot your metabolism and teach your body how to burn fat as your main fuel source, it’s safe to say they’d capture your attention, yeah? Well, what if they said that they could teach you how to do all that in just 21 days, and that the effects would last FOREVER? Sounds almost too good to be true, right? But today’s podcast guest, Mark Sisson — from leading Paleo blog Mark’s Daily Apple — assures us that it’s not only possible, it’s 100% achievable, and he’s here to tell us how.  For full show notes and episode resources, head to Mark is a lion in the world of Paleo and primal health. A former world-class endurance athlete, he’s become one of the leading voices of the Evolutionary Health Movement and has dedicated his life to helping others reach optimal health and performance.  With his unconventional — but extremely effective — approach to health, he has paved the way for Primal enthusiasts to challenge accepted wisdom on all aspects of d