Orchard Church Podcast

Needing Direction? Don't Know What to Do?



Are you needing direction?  Today we will look at the words of Jesus found in John 16.   Below is the notes. If you have no moral compass for your life, then you have no compass at all. Without God’s moral compass you are living with no direction. That’s why every step you take is uneasy. That is why you are  worried what will happen next. Worried if you can keep your composure. You just hope you can hold it together and not appear as a fool.  Without God’s Moral Compass, each step is taken in hope that it’s the right step. Each moment carries endless opportunities for the wrong decision. Every action made can only be justified by you. Are you in the midst of confusion right now?  Not knowing what to do?  Not knowing how to respond or how to act. Listen, Jesus isn’t here right now. Unfortunately, I am unable to ask that He come to you physically And tell you what to do or what to say or how