School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#14 How to Feel Joyful and Happy Most of The Time



Emotion is the driving force in our lives. So it's helpful to ask, "What emotion do you feel most of the time? Is that how you WANT to feel?"  The first thing to do that clears a lot of emotional space is to forgive! Let small things roll off your back. Work on letting the big things go, it will take time but having that freedom will all be worth it. Forgiveness is for you, no for the other person.  If emotion is a choice, choose the better option! Henry David Thoreau said, "Most men live in quiet desperation and go to graves with their song still in them." Having anger inside keeps much more than just that.  Forgiveness and peace is something we all want, sometimes we have to start with the hard things to get over. Challenge: Choose your emotions and let go of the negative ones! Clear space for you to get those positive emotions back into your life. Remember "Little things bother little people." Emotion is so important and having it be a positive driving force in our lives is key. Here are add