Jelly And Bean

22: He’s Not Don Cheadle, So It Doesn’t Matter



Microsoft announces the announcement date for the next generation Xbox; NBNCo announces gigabit plans that will drop around December; Razer accidentally offer 90% off and then honour it; the first trailer for Thor 2 hits the internet; and Iron Man 3 is released in Australia. Meanwhile, Jelly forgets the name of the guy who played Col. Rhodes in the first Iron Man (it was Terrance Howard), while Bean talks about how much he dislikes Natalie Portman. Plus, the boys discuss Iron Man 3 at such length they actually go way over time. It’s a packed episode today! Please note: if you haven’t seen Iron Man 3, the discussion in this episode contains spoilers. LOTS OF SPOILERS. If you have any plans to see the movie, and want your experience untainted, you should stop the episode when the spoiler announcement is made (at 0:52:05). You have been warned!