Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OUR COMMON GROUND ::: "Over Policed, Under Protected" ::: 11-07-20



"Black America: Over Policed, Under Protected" LIVE & Call-In We acknowledge that policing models across the country view Black neighborhoods and communities as crime-ridden and havens for criminal activity. Criminalizing these residential areas create a natural response of resentment, distrust and animosity. These communities experience an exceedingly higher level of policing, absent essential protection services and resources needed. How can we use the current wave of calls of police defunding and reform to change that landscape? How do we stop the killing of Black people in our streets? How do we get mental wellness resources on the street when there is a problem? Chronic homelessness? Truancy? Guns out of the hands of young people? Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram "Speaking Truth to Power and OURSELVES"