Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

Mkutano OPEN MIC Wednesday Night at OUR COMMON GROUND :::: 7-01-20



mkutano OPEN MIC Wednesday Night at OUR COMMON GROUND (kinda' like, "Let me call you back". OCG hosted, Caller driven. “Speaking Truth to Power and OURSELVES” OUR COMMON GROUND, hosted by Janice Ground broadcasts on each Saturday night at 10 pm ET. Typically, the program includes an element of expert guest, live conversations between Janice Graham and the host, and listeners who "call in" via telephone) to the show. Listener contributions are important to the program and many times all callers are not able to get in during the two-hour broadcast. Janice believes that the listener voice is essential to creating the best quality for the overall “talk experience”. Our guests are important, and we attempt to have in-depth discussions with them to maximize their extensive experience, wisdom and knowledge. We are unwilling to minimize the value and worth of their voices to inform and inspire. To respond to this challenge, OCG has created a broadcast specifically for callers to follow up on the OCG discussion