Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 5. The Perfection Detox – Friday 5 with Tamilee Webb



  "The Right People Will Come, So Why Not Love This Moment?" Tamilee Webb   I had such a fantastic time talking with Tamilee that it felt as though we were two girlfriends catching up over a cup of tea. We talked about so many important topics that it was challenging for me to pick just five ideas. After a lot of thought, here are the five questions we explore in this week's Friday Five. All of these were inspired by my recent conversation with Tamilee. Are you fully present? This weekend pause and ask yourself throughout the day – “Am I awake” Do you have a role model that inspires you? Is there someone already out there doing what you would love to be doing? Can you find the courage to reach out to them and ask if you could mentor under them? How is your internal dialog?  What was the last thing you said to yourself when you looked into the mirror or you made a mistake? This weekend take a mirror brake and be impeccable with your language, especially when having a conversation with yourself. When is the las