
Rand(Nerds); Episode 114



Welcome to Episode 114, the worlds most refreshing podcast. TheSuffolkRam kicks us off this week by talking about Far Cry New Dawn, Retaking hope county in the post nuclear war from the end of Far Cry 5 and we learn about the magic of Ethanol and how awesome Pigs are. Skazz has joined the dark side by buying an XBox and using the Window 10. Hes then been stealing chests and killing skeletons in Sea of Theives Ram then finishes us off by talking about Re-watching the re-imaged version of Battlestar Galatica We also discuss the world most refreshing beer, what Burton on Trent has contributed to the UK, how Nintendo and Sony are switching sides Notes: Retake Hope County for the glory of the China! in Far Cry New Dawn Try not to crash the boat in Sea of Thieves Is one of your family a Cylon? find out in Battlestar Galactica Thanks for Listening, Come join us on our next podcast livestream but following us on our YouTube channel or our Twitch Channel Cheers TheSuffolkRam and Skazz